Author: Deryn Garz

Dead Money

BusinessManagementOperationsProfits vs Cash

Most business failures result from a shortage of cash. To patch the cash holes, we run to the banks for higher overdrafts, factor our debtors, raise trade finance, enter buy and leaseback arrangements … or make any one of several other inventive financial arrangements. It is tragic that not enough attention is paid to identifying ….  Read More

Don’t get tripped up.


We all have that small inner voice which guides us to always do the right thing but all too often we elect to ignore it and in the process are responsible for tripping ourselves up. In analysing all the ‘unique’ situations where you have fallen, you will undoubtedly be able to identify with either one, or ….  Read More



Leaders are a scarce resource in the business environment – managers come at twenty to the dozen. Leaders inspire people with an emotional desire to follow them with enthusiasm and fervour. They automatically extract the best out of their followers – even when they are not physically present with their teams. Can you go away ….  Read More

Opportunity Cost


Oh, he was so lucky – he was in the right pace at the right time! Absolute nonsense! Count the number of times lady luck visits you in any week and you will realise that you create your own luck! The difference between ‘he’ and you is that ‘he’ acted upon one of the opportunities ….  Read More

Maintain Balance


Everything in the universe was created in opposites. No matter what you look at in physics, nature or our daily lives, everything has an opposite. The old folk understood this factor well and that is why they always used to say ‘anything in moderation, and nothing in excess’. They understood the need to maintain balance! ….  Read More



Whenever we read of the great leaders of the past, we feel moved, inspired and even fearful. These great leaders ignited the passion of their followers … was it through their vision, their strategy, or their powerful ideas? All of these played a vital role, but the cornerstone of their reign was found in a ….  Read More