Category: Operations

I want it ALL!


Who do you think you are! How dare you speak to me like that? You are insulting me and calling my character into question! Get out of my face – I don’t ever want to see you, associate with you, or deal with you again! This is not the reaction of a rational person – ….  Read More

Your Customer’s Reality


Have you noticed that there seems to be something different about your customers of late? In fact, have you noticed that everything is different about your customers lately? Current concepts of your business’ relationships with its customers can be thrown out the window, with ‘old’ relationship values supplanting them. There is a new (or should ….  Read More

Who are you?


What if you could eliminate your competition from your customer’s consideration – would you do it? These days, so many companies strive to fit into a particular niche and find themselves having to elbow their way past a mass of competitors to make their mark. Why waste your energy in fighting the competition in any ….  Read More

Dead Money

BusinessManagementOperationsProfits vs Cash

Most business failures result from a shortage of cash. To patch the cash holes, we run to the banks for higher overdrafts, factor our debtors, raise trade finance, enter buy and leaseback arrangements … or make any one of several other inventive financial arrangements. It is tragic that not enough attention is paid to identifying ….  Read More



Leaders are a scarce resource in the business environment – managers come at twenty to the dozen. Leaders inspire people with an emotional desire to follow them with enthusiasm and fervour. They automatically extract the best out of their followers – even when they are not physically present with their teams. Can you go away ….  Read More