DLGarz are tax practitioners with a respected reputation in the industry, our list of certifications
and verified experience stands testament to that.
Associate Chartered Secretary of the
Chartered Institute of Secretaries and
Administrators (CSSA). This certifies that we
have more than 15 years experience in the Tax
and Accounting field. CSSA are the controlling
body for ethics and corporate governance as
well as registered tax practitioners.
South African Institute of Tax Practitioners
- the controlling body for Registered Tax
Practitioners in South Africa.
DLGarz is a Registered Tax Practitioner
with South African Revenue Services.
A company or individual person may not
act as a tax practitioner if they have not
received registration status with SARS.
Registration number: 2009/196018/23
Practice number: PPG01158
Tel: 071 152 4319
Fax: 086 411 2635
E-mail: info@dlga.co.za