Category: Management

A Call to Action!


Sadly, the personal touch in business is being lost. The more technologically advanced we become, the fewer people we find who are willing to take responsibility, both in their personal lives and in their business dealings. The ability to take decisions seems to be the preserve of committees, with individual judgement calls being relegated to ….  Read More

Management Crisis


Management in Crisis After a few years of classes, they expect to manage people who have many times the amount of knowledge, gained through intensive personal experience. Those without the credentials have been relegated to the “slow track” and subjected to the ‘leadership’ of those who do not have the legitimacy to lead! What has ….  Read More

The Commodity Trap


Why should I do business with you? Probably the most basic of competitive questions, but unfortunately most companies answer the question (probably not in as many words) by saying “Do business with us, because we’re pretty much the same as our competition, but we’re good at it”. What choice does it give the Customer? Customers ….  Read More

Serving Others First


Never, in the history of the world, has there been such abundant opportunity as there is now for the person who is willing to serve before trying to collect! In response to a particularly forceful verbal venting of abject frustration, my business sage at that time asked me a simple question: ‘How far do you ….  Read More

Dead Money

BusinessManagementOperationsProfits vs Cash

Most business failures result from a shortage of cash. To patch the cash holes, we run to the banks for higher overdrafts, factor our debtors, raise trade finance, enter buy and leaseback arrangements … or make any one of several other inventive financial arrangements. It is tragic that not enough attention is paid to identifying ….  Read More

Don’t get tripped up.


We all have that small inner voice which guides us to always do the right thing but all too often we elect to ignore it and in the process are responsible for tripping ourselves up. In analysing all the ‘unique’ situations where you have fallen, you will undoubtedly be able to identify with either one, or ….  Read More

Opportunity Cost


Oh, he was so lucky – he was in the right pace at the right time! Absolute nonsense! Count the number of times lady luck visits you in any week and you will realise that you create your own luck! The difference between ‘he’ and you is that ‘he’ acted upon one of the opportunities ….  Read More